Mar 12, 2012 | Press Releases, Scenarios & Big Games
DXS Paintball is proud to announce their sponsorship of the 24 Scenario Game “The Camp”. This beautiful event will be held in Mahwinkel, Germany, which also hosts the world renowned Euro Big Game. With over 35 hectares of playing area built on the site of...
Feb 23, 2012 | Daily Paint
The Marine Corps is hosting a top secret scenario game tomorrow at the Sportsman’s Lodge on the outskirts of Jacksonville, N.C. Well the game itself is not a secret but the theme to the scenario is. The game is being put on by the Marine Corps Community Services...
Jan 1, 2012 | Giveaways & Contests, Scenarios & Big Games
SAS Woodsball is proud to announce a mag-fed marker giveaway for 2012! We want to keep the paintball community active this Winter. Also, we closed our last YouTube account and opened a new one. Please subscribe to stay up to date with more giveaways! This is our 5th...
Dec 31, 2011 | Paintball Videos, Scenarios & Big Games
Team BAD helps lead a large push against the Germans at Skirmish USA’s Battle for Berlin 2011. Team B.A.D.:
Dec 20, 2011 | Daily Paint, Scenarios & Big Games
Welcome to the first installment of Viper’s Snake pit. I’m very excited to be asked to write for Social Paintball. I hope after you read my amateur attempts at paintball media you will come away informed and entertained. I am just going to have some fun and write...