Aug 18, 2013 | Players & Teams
UPDATE (8/19/13, 10:54 AM EST): Moments ago, Art Chaos Moscow has officially confirmed via their Facebook page that they intend on playing both PSP and Millennium Series in 2014. -End Update- Sources close to the situation have informed Social Paintball that Art Chaos...
Mar 11, 2013 | Players & Teams
Russian Legion arrived in the US two weekends before the event dates for PSP Dallas. These travel arrangements were made specifically to provide Russian Legion with two full weekends of pro team practice, which was very important, especially with the team’s two...
Mar 8, 2013 | Players & Teams
A little over a week ago we shared news with you, our loyal readers, about Russian Legion’s first tryouts in a half-decade. It is with much pleasure that I am able to share with you the names of Russian Legion’s newest blood for the team as well as Russian Legion’s...