Aug 17, 2013 | Paintball Videos
The 2013 PSP West Coast Open has begun! If you’re new to the sport or have missed what has been happening up until now, here are a series of paintball scouting report videos that will get you up to speed! You can watch the 2013 PSP West Coast Open live webcast...
Aug 12, 2013 | Paintball Videos
Hosts Matty Marshall and Todd Martinez discuss the state of the PSP Champions and Challengers divisions after the recent PSP Chicago Open, reveal the Top Gun leaders for the season and the Top Ten plays from the event, and talk about how the teams look for the...
Aug 11, 2013 | Players & Teams
Social Paintball has confirmed with Chicago Infamous’ Matt “Happy” Lietzau that snake player Zach Wake, formerly of San Antonio X-Factor, will be playing D1 with the team during the PSP West Coast Open event this coming weekend. “Travis...
Jul 31, 2013 | Tournament
The 2013 PSP West Coast Open field layout has officially been released to the public. Many professional and novice paintball teams will be hitting the layout this weekend to get ready for the event. We will be on-location filming several pro teams as they get their...