Mar 13, 2013 | Paintball Podcast
Our analysts, Byron Woodfork and Lawrence Abernathy, sat down to talk about the upcoming season and the PSP Dallas Open event. Within the podcast they make predictions and break down the highlight matches of the prelims. [display_podcast]
Mar 11, 2013 | Players & Teams
We’ve dissected, examined and have spoken about every team in the current pro division at some point this off season, but there’s a certain group of Europeans who, frankly, have not been mentioned nearly enough: Les Tontons Flingueurs. You may not know a...
Mar 8, 2013 | Players & Teams
Attention Fans: This is the last week before the first event of the PSP season, being held in Dallas, Texas. As such, this weekend is your last chance to see the pros in action before you see them on the webcast, at your local fields. Here is a quick schedule of who...