Sep 28, 2013 | Paintball News
The latest issue of the digital paintball magazine, PaintballX3, is live. This issue features coverage of the three-discipline Valken Cup, Scenario team feature with Team Arclight, interviews with the brilliant Simon Stephens and Ledz (Planet Eclipse), Vanguard Demon...
Jul 24, 2013 | Paintball News
The latest issue of the digital paintball magazine, PaintballX3, is live. This issue features 36 pages of PSP Chicago Open coverage, Type 3 Scenario Team Interview, JT Impulse Review, Immortal Air Aura Regulator Review, an interview with Denny Tippmann Jr, and MAPL...
Mar 8, 2012 | Daily Paint
This March 8th marks the 20th anniversary of the first magazine published by our very own John Amodea. In March of 1992 John released the first issue of Paintball Consumer Reports International (PCRI) and he’s been publishing paintball magazines ever since. “The thing...
Feb 13, 2009 | Interviews, Paintball Videos
A short interview with John of the newly launched Paintball X3 Magazine walks Social Paintball through their digital magazine at the 2009 Paintball Extravaganza held in Atlanta, Georgia. It’s an amazing looking magazine, and to think…it was all done in 35...