May 30, 2012 | Gear & Reviews
Justin catches up with Virtue during NPPL Chicago Open at CPXSports in Joliet, Illinois for an overview of their new Virtue Clock Paintball Chronograph Field Edition.
May 21, 2012 | Tournament
Over the weekend teams from across America and abroad descended upon CPX Sports in the windy city of Chicago, Illinois, for the second leg of the NPPL. Missing the Sunday cut in the professional division was New England Avalanche, Chicago Legend, Vancouver Vendetta,...
May 20, 2012 | Tournament
The competition at the 2012 NPPL Chicago Open picked up right where it left on in Huntington Beach. XSV, stumbling early against Infamous, came back looking strong. They are the real deal this year and have a legitimate shot at winning the event – if they don’t run...
May 18, 2012 | Interviews
We sat down for an interview with Chuck Hendsch of the NPPL today at their Chicago Open being held in conjunction with Living Legends 5 at CPX Sports in Joliet, IL. We had some questions we wanted answered, the NPPL provided them. Questions: 1. What is the...