Feb 3, 2012 | National, Players & Teams
San Francisco Explicit is making even more paintball moves. We’ve just been informed that as of today San Francisco Explicit has signed a key pro paintball player to add to not only their roster, but now part of the family. Chris Lasoya, the Ageless Wonder, has...
Jan 24, 2012 | National, Press Releases
The Commission position plays an important role in the NPPL. This position is responsible for enforcing the rules at all National events, in charge of the referee staff, implements referee training, handles major disputes and serves on the NPPL Rules committee. The...
Jan 18, 2012 | National, Press Releases, Tournament
The NPPL is proud to announce the 2012 field layout for the Surf City USA Open, Huntington Beach, California. Check out your local fields for set up and available practice times or visit one of these locations: Hawaii Extreme Paintball Kapolei, HI, New England...
Jan 18, 2012 | Players & Teams
So as many of you following the sport know this past week has been filled with a ton of news on some big names making some big news. SocialPB spoke recently with Justin Schwarz with his recent announcement that he is going to be playing for another Cali team. Justin...