Aug 11, 2012 | Interviews
Justin was on location at the 2012 PSP Mid-Atlantic Open (MAO). He caught up with a few professional players. Alex Spence (Tampa Bay Damage), Kirk Wozny (Chicago Aftershock), Konstantin Fedorov (Houston Heat), Oliver Lang (San Diego Dynasty), and Marcello Margott...
Aug 3, 2012 | Pro Player Blogs
[pullquote_right]TEAM: Together Each other Achieves More.[/pullquote_right]Well, it’s the middle of the season. Some would say they are surprised, but we are not. We knew we would be contending for first place eventually, it was just a matter of how quickly we...
Jun 11, 2012 | Pro Player Blogs
We were up by 1 point with the score 6-5 and under two minutes left to play in the semifinal match. The temperature was 106 degrees Fahrenheit and we were on our 4th consecutive day of tournament paintball. The heat and exhaustion were finally starting to set in as...
May 17, 2012 | Players & Teams
We met up with San Francisco Explicit’s Marcello Margott and Tyler Harmon at the 2012 NPPL Chicago Open where they unveiled their brand new HK Army paintball jerseys. Stay tuned for more daily NPPL Chicago Open and Living Legends 5 coverage this...
Apr 22, 2012 | Interviews, Tournament
Steve Rabackoff interviews Marcello Margott of Moscow Red Legion (Russian Legion) and Ryan Smith of Houston Heat about their matches in the 2012 PSP Phoenix Open held in Phoenix, AZ. For our complete coverage of the event including the free live webcast powered by...