Feb 13, 2014 | Players & Teams
When we heard that Chattnooga C.E.P had begun a crowd funding campaign for the 2014 tournament season, we knew we had to get in touch with Robbie Goldsmith and see what exactly was going on. Below is a quick interview with the C.E.P captian, and a some more info about...
Feb 2, 2014 | Paintball Videos
Omaha Vicious and Tampa Bay Damage hit the field this weekend at Central Florida Paintball. Of course, we were there to film it! Here’s the raw practice video.
Jan 29, 2014 | Paintball Videos
Professional teams across the world are getting back to work, and Tampa Bay Damage is no different. We were fortunate enough to catch up with the guys as they broke out the new Dye DM14, 2014 PSP bunker set – including the new “wing” – and...
Jan 17, 2014 | Players & Teams, Tournament
Yesterday, an announcement was made that Challengers Division paintball team San Jose Royalty and the Los Angeles Ironmen would begin the process of merging the two teams for the 2014 season. Below is the press release- For Immediate Release- San Diego, California...
Jan 12, 2014 | Players & Teams
Mike Hinman, coach of the Los Angeles Ironmen and formerly of San Diego Dynasty, has just announced via his personal Facebook page that he will be stepping down from professional paintball for the 2014 season: So after a lot of thought and some serious soul searching...