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Russian Legion Announces Changes for 2013

Russian Legion Announces Changes for 2013

Over the holidays, Kirill Prihidni, from Russian Legion, took time to share his thoughts with me about how he felt Russian Legion’s 2012 season went and about the changes RL plans on making for the 2013 season.  Without further ado, I am excited to have this...
Marcello Margott Signs with LA Ironmen for 2013

Marcello Margott Signs with LA Ironmen for 2013

[Update 2:29 PM ET]: Dye has fixed their website glitch and have posted their official statement on their blog. “DYE is proud to announce that Marcello Margott, PSP World Champion, former Ironmen player and PBA’s 2012 #2 ranked player in the world, has returned...
Video: Dave Bains’ Offseason Update

Video: Dave Bains’ Offseason Update

We sat down with Dave Bains, professional paintball player, of Tampa Bay Damage to see what he has been up to this offseason. He opens up to us about a few things that are on his mind. Check Dave out on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/davebeastbains And his...