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Valken to become 2013 Season PSP Paint Sponsor

Valken to become 2013 Season PSP Paint Sponsor

[Update 12:15 PM ET, 1/19/2013]: We’ve confirmed with Lane Wright, Valken paint will not be sold at PSP events. [Update 5:39 PM ET, 1/16/2013]: In Late December of 2012, we were informed of a letter that was making it’s rounds on the internet. This letter...
Tippmann Effect Returns to Paintball

Tippmann Effect Returns to Paintball

We heard the exciting news that Tippmann Effect would be making a return to the tournament paintball scene so we took it upon ourselves to reach out to Jessie Shaum and get the scoop on what is what. With the advent of a new marker, a new philosophy and new blood. The...