Jan 8, 2013 | Players & Teams, Pro Player Blogs
Hello, I’m Alex Spence of Tampa Bay Damage. Here is an update on my 2013 offseason. I recently suffered a chin injury, but am back on track and healing well. I’ve been staying active by playing paintball on the weekends. Damage should be back officially...
Jan 4, 2013 | Paintball Videos, Players & Teams
“Damaged” is a look into Alex Spence’s return to the paintball scene after being diagnosed with Leukemia and having to sit out a season of professional paintball from his team Tampa Bay Damage. This short documentary explores the intestinal fortitude...
Jan 3, 2013 | Players & Teams, Pro Player Blogs
Here is an offseason update and what 2013 will hold for me. Look for more updates through out the 2013 season. PSP: I will be playing the 2013 season with Russian Legion. DPL: I’ll play the whole season with GLORY SKULLS – Paintball-Team – Expect no...
Dec 31, 2012 | Interviews, Players & Teams
I sit down for a phone interview with Los Angeles Ironmen’s Marcello Margott, formerly of Moscow Red Legion. Margott is the #2 ranked player in the PSP, according to PBA’s stats.
Dec 30, 2012 | National, Tournament
[Update 12:15 PM ET, 1/19/2013]: We’ve confirmed with Lane Wright, Valken paint will not be sold at PSP events. [Update 5:39 PM ET, 1/16/2013]: In Late December of 2012, we were informed of a letter that was making it’s rounds on the internet. This letter...
Dec 30, 2012 | Interviews, Players & Teams
We heard the exciting news that Tippmann Effect would be making a return to the tournament paintball scene so we took it upon ourselves to reach out to Jessie Shaum and get the scoop on what is what. With the advent of a new marker, a new philosophy and new blood. The...