Jan 17, 2013 | International, Players & Teams
The European Team, Toulouse Tontons have secured a spot in the PSP Pro division for the 2013 season. Toulouse are currently in search of American professionals that may be interested in being added to their roster. We touched base with Tonton’s team Captain,...
Jan 17, 2013 | National, Players & Teams, Tournament
After multiple successful seasons playing both U.S. professional paintball leagues, Tampa Bay Damage has announced that they will not be playing in the NPPL this season. The team will instead focus all of their efforts on playing the PSP. Joey Blute, Manager, posted...
Jan 16, 2013 | Players & Teams
Texas Storm player Demetrius “Meter” Ninios has confirmed that he will begin his rookie season with San Antonio X-Factor. Demetrius hails from Dallas, TX and sits right at home with his neighbors next door from San Antonio. The young 19 year old will play...
Jan 16, 2013 | National, Players & Teams
[Update: 2:25 AM EST, 1/20/13]: Alex Goldman has officially signed with Los Angeles Ironmen. According to our sources, Justin “JRab” Rabackoff and Alex “Mouse” Goldman have officially left Tampa Bay Damage and signed a contract with Edmonton...
Jan 15, 2013 | International, Players & Teams
Last year, we watched as Moscow Red Legion (also known as Russian Legion) continuously made the PSP Open Quarter Finals, four consecutive times. Neither of which resulted in a first place trophy, but a slew of 2nd – 6th place finishes throughout the season....
Jan 14, 2013 | National, Tournament
After much anticipation and anxiety, PSP has released the official schedule for the 2013 season. Last year, the opening event was hosted on Galveston Island, TX, which turned into a disaster with hurricane-like weather wreaking havoc throughout every field on the...