Sep 25, 2012 | National, Tournament
UPDATE: (7:28 PM EST 9/25/12) We’ve just gotten word that Heat has picked up Los Angeles Ironmen’s Tokahe Hamil (#17, Front; 56 PBA rank) and Indianapolis Mutiny’s Tommy O’Donnell to play in Las Vegas. BREAKING NEWS: Social Paintball’s...
Sep 22, 2012 | National, Players & Teams
BREAKING NEWS: Social Paintball has just confirmed that Alex “Mouse” Goldman (#3, Front) formerly of San Diego Dynasty, and currently the number 33 ranked player in the PSP will be playing for Tampa Bay Damage during the 2012 World Cup. When asked about...
Sep 19, 2012 | National, Players & Teams
Social Paintball has confirmed that Jacob Edwards (#31, Front; 21 PBA rank) has suffered a high ankle sprain that occured during the first match of Sunday play at the CXBL event he attended last weekend. He stated that the injury happened while he was attempting a...