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Russian Legion Announces Changes for 2013

Russian Legion Announces Changes for 2013

Over the holidays, Kirill Prihidni, from Russian Legion, took time to share his thoughts with me about how he felt Russian Legion’s 2012 season went and about the changes RL plans on making for the 2013 season.  Without further ado, I am excited to have this...
Watch the Paintball Show Here!

Watch the Paintball Show Here!

The Paintball Show is a new television show for paintballers everywhere. The Paintball Show covers all aspects of paintball from woodsball and scenario to tournament. It features product reviews, event reports and guest interviews. The show is broadcast via BSkyB and...
Video: 2012 PALS Malaysia Open, Prelims

Video: 2012 PALS Malaysia Open, Prelims

The 2nd leg of the PALS series kicked off on the 24th of May, 2012. It is held in conjunction with the Malaysia Open (an annual tournament held by the Nemesis Paintball Club) and the PALS Events’ 3rd leg of their local tournament series; the Malaysia Paintball...