Paintball 101: Sponsorships, Part 1
Every week the Social Paintball inbox is flooded with sponsorship requests. From teams wanting us to film them, filmmakers wanting us to hire them, or players and teams who are interested in getting our new Grit apparel for free, or at a discounted price. Sometimes we...
Skills School with Pete Robinson: Teamwork, Communication
As some of you guys may know, I was the US editor of the UK based publication, PGi [Paintball Games International] unfortunately the recession pillaged our industry of all its magazines which ended up nudging paintball commentary and coverage toward the internet. I’ve...
Pestana, a Good Fit in LA?
With the recent announcement of the Los Angeles Ironmen and San Jose Royalty merger, it was quickly noted that this would bring Shane Pestana back into the Ironmen organization. For those of you out of the loop, Pestana was a staff member for the Ironmen club from...
Tough Customers: The Divisional Realm
The economic downturn was doubly worse for paintball. Leagues and companies were joined on the quest to achieve television nirvana. During the mid-2000s the industry was climbing rapidly up the ladder of discovery, just when the sport was trying to find itself, 2008...