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- Social Paintball
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One Step with Russian Legion’s Kevin Coulm

One Step with Russian Legion’s Kevin Coulm

In the midst of all the roster changing madness that seems to fill the beginning of the PSP season, Russian Legion a.k.a. Moscow Red Legion announced the addition of two players to their 2013 PSP roster.  So, who’s this twenty-two year old fast and aggressive dorito...
Giveaway: Virtue Spire Paintball Loader

Giveaway: Virtue Spire Paintball Loader

Time for yet another Social Paintball giveaway. This time we’re giving away a Virtue Spire Paintball Loader courtesy of the folks at Virtue Paintball. We featured this loader in our Virtue Spire Paintball Loader Overview and Internals video above. Who loves ya?!...
In the Snake with Russian Legion’s Mykel Kovar

In the Snake with Russian Legion’s Mykel Kovar

This season, Russian Legion a.k.a. Moscow Red Legion announced the addition of two players to their 2013 PSP roster.  Thankfully, fortune has been on my side and I have been able to spend a little time getting to know one of their newest players on the roster.  It’s...
Jason “FK” Edwards Paintball Interview

Jason “FK” Edwards Paintball Interview

1. “People’s Choice MVP 2012” – 4th ranked pro player of the year and 2nd place overall in the PSP with your team Tampa Bay Damage. I would call that a great season; are you personally satisfied with those results? Over all on paper the season looks amazing and I can...