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- Social Paintball
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Tough Customers: The Divisional Realm

Tough Customers: The Divisional Realm

The economic downturn was doubly worse for paintball. Leagues and companies were joined on the quest to achieve television nirvana. During the mid-2000s the industry was climbing rapidly up the ladder of discovery, just when the sport was trying to find itself, 2008...
Interview with Tim Baloy of Wolfpack

Interview with Tim Baloy of Wolfpack

Wolfpack is more than ready to bring it this season with a vengeance. They have been stomping people throughout the divisions over the last few years and are ready to leave their mark on the PSP. Looking for their chance to go pro this season is going to be crucial...
An Interview with Grad Moscow

An Interview with Grad Moscow

Grad Moscow has been around for a long time, but ever since they joined the PSP they have been tearing apart opponents left and right as they have risen through the divisions. They are one of the leading contenders in Division 1 and they are here to prove themselves...
Interview with Feddy Cummins of Oakland Fuzion

Interview with Feddy Cummins of Oakland Fuzion

Oakland Fuzion has been around since 2005, dominating much of West Coast divisional paintball since their inception. Their organization is lead by Feddy Cummins and Nita Cummins, and they have lofty goals that don’t just end with them getting into the Pro ranks in the...
Giveaway: Empire Sniper Pump Paintball Marker

Giveaway: Empire Sniper Pump Paintball Marker

Time for yet another Social Paintball giveaway. This time we’re giving away a Empire Sniper Pump Marker courtesy of the folks at Empire Paintball. We featured this loader in our Empire Sniper Pump Marker Overview and video above. Who loves ya?! One lucky winner...