Jan 2, 2012 | Gear & Reviews, Interviews
We spoke with Chief Tech/Product Manager John Sritongsuk about Guerrilla Air’s latest release: The Pro Fill Nipple. “The goal in the designing of the Pro Fill Nipple is to address inherent problems associated with standard fill nipples.” John explained to us about...
Jan 1, 2012 | Giveaways & Contests, Scenarios & Big Games
SAS Woodsball is proud to announce a mag-fed marker giveaway for 2012! We want to keep the paintball community active this Winter. Also, we closed our last YouTube account and opened a new one. Please subscribe to stay up to date with more giveaways! This is our 5th...
Dec 31, 2011 | Giveaways & Contests, Scenarios & Big Games
Justin gives some tips for staying hydrated and ready to go at Living Legends V (LL5) coming up May 2012. Tips: 1. Stay hydrated, bring some water. 2. Carry some granola bars (or nutrition bars). They are quick and effective on the run. 3. Bring some Potassium,...
Dec 30, 2011 | Interviews, Players & Teams
Hello Jason, thank you for providing me with this exciting opportunity to interview you for Social Paintball. As you already know, I am a HUGE Russian Legion and Art Chaos Moscow Fan so you must have known I’d want to learn everything I could about you once I heard...
Dec 30, 2011 | Daily Paint, National, Scenarios & Big Games
“Viper’s Snake Pit” Special Edition I know I signed off last time with a promise of some great playing tips. However, Social Paintball is going to be working closely with Living Legends this year so we’re giving him the exclusive on our theme for Living Legends V. We...