Feb 5, 2012 | Giveaways & Contests, Scenarios & Big Games
Social Paintball is running a Caption contest on Facebook! Post your one best suggestion for what the Roman in this image is saying as a comment to this post on our FB Page: Caption contest on Facebook! This will be your entry to win the two items featured in this...
Feb 2, 2012 | Daily Paint
We just received news that PbNation, the world’s largest paintball forum, has just launched a new game that rewards its members for participating on the site. The staff of PbNation is proud to introduce PbNation Pursuit. Many moons ago we dreamed up the idea of...
Feb 2, 2012 | Daily Paint, National
Rick Dale and his team of restorers decided to take a well-earned break from work on “American Restoration” (Wed., 10 p.m. EST on History), so they hit the paintball range. Check out the full story/video at: HUFFPOST TV
Feb 1, 2012 | Pro Player Blogs
Playing for Boston Red Legion has been the highlight of my career since joining the team in 2008. Deciding to leave the team and my teammates, who I played with for so long, was a very tough choice and one I still think about. I wanted to clear some things up that...
Jan 29, 2012 | Daily Paint
A former soldier is suing a Scottish paintball firm for up to £400,000 after he was shot in the face and lost the sight in one eye. Allan Weir was shot from less than 6ft away by a paintball pellet travelling at around 280ft per second, causing his right eyeball to...