Feb 12, 2012 | Interviews, Players & Teams
It is time to get Critical! With the recent announcement that Oakland Blast will not be competing this upcoming season it left an empty spot in the NPPL professional rankings. One that was not empty for long, as Bob Long himself approached Critical Wrecking Crew about...
Feb 9, 2012 | Giveaways & Contests
That’s right… time for yet another Social Paintball giveaway. This time we’re giving away a Social Paintball iPhone 4 Case. It’s black with our logo on it. This is just our test prize… as part of our brand-new Loyalty Rewards Program...
Feb 7, 2012 | Daily Paint
Some of you laugh at that statement, but it is actually a question that I get asked on a regular basis. As the coach of Liberty University’s Paintball team, I answer emails and phone calls weekly. Often these emails are from High School students that have a desire to...
Feb 6, 2012 | Interviews, Players & Teams
The PSP has put together an inside look at this international roster, full of talent based out of Houston, Texas. To follow the team on Facebook, become a fan of their page: http://www.facebook.com/HoustonHeatPaintball Nick Slowiak Home Town: Algonquin, IL Age: 26...
Feb 5, 2012 | Daily Paint
There is a new movie being released this month that features a paintball date scene and like in most Hollywood films, safety is not paramount. The scene shows Tom Hardy’s character being “that guy” as he attempts to impress Reese Witherspoon’s...