Feb 20, 2012 | Pro Player Blogs
I decided to make a quick little video with the footage from doing drills. I record myself so I can correct my mistakes and form. Thanks for watching!
Feb 18, 2012 | Interviews
Previous Article: What’s Next For Chicago Aftershock? [pullquote_right]Aftershock just picked up Kirk Wozny and David Simmons.[/pullquote_right]Every team in the history of sports experiences its “rebuilding stage” sooner or later. For Chicago...
Feb 17, 2012 | Pro Player Blogs
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, welcome to my world. the world of rocking. This is the first of my many blog posts here on Social Paintball. Let me give you a delightful insight on what my stories will involve. First off, I am not reserved....
Feb 16, 2012 | Interviews
Jani Andersson is a photographer. Not just any photographer but a paintball photographer for PaintballPhotography.com. This is the premier photography web site for paintball, on top of the game for years. They shoot you while you shoot them. SocialPB: How did you get...
Feb 15, 2012 | Interviews
In sports, heart cannot be measured. At times, the will to win can match a persons will to live. What would your initial reaction be if given the news that your professional sports career could be at an end, and possibly, your life as well? Professional paintball...