Mar 26, 2012 | Interviews, Players & Teams
Destiny players Bea Paxson, Katie Kelley, and Kat Secor are joining forces with Norway’s Poison Ivy. Bea gives us the scoop on the story behind their collaboration at this upcoming major event. Believe it or not, even in today’s world of equality, women still...
Mar 23, 2012 | Paintmates
A Social Paintball Paintmate is a female model featured on Social Paintball as Paintmate of the Month, they are not necessarily life-long paintball players. Rather, they are new to the sport and have shown a liking to it. Stephy C. Parker / Mariela Henderson is Miss...
Mar 18, 2012 | Daily Paint
Here’s the scenario: You have been with this “significant other” for some amount of time, they have been introduced to the idea that you are a paintball player, and you have it set in your mind that you want to take them with you so that they can participate in...
Mar 17, 2012 | Pro Player Blogs, Tournament
“Italy, once the land of gladiators, poets and love, now the land or Paintball.” This slogan speaks a thousand words. This past weekend I made quite a unique step in my paintball career. Instead of playing the US major paintball event, PSP, I took the 15 hour trip to...
Mar 16, 2012 | Interviews, Players & Teams
Osvaldo Lopes, of LA Ironmen, proves that you can still play professional paintball in your late thirties.How long do you think you’ll play paintball for? Are you in your late teen years or perhaps in your early twenties and hoping to go pro soon? Don’t fear –...
Mar 15, 2012 | Interviews, Paintball Videos
We sit down with Paul Richards, the coach of professional paintball team, Tampa Bay Damage. He gives us some insight into paintball and tells us more about himself. Find Tampa Bay Damage on FB at: To learn more about View from the...