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- Social Paintball
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Liberty University at the NCPA Nationals

Liberty University at the NCPA Nationals

The Liberty University paintball team spent the weekend of April 13-15 competing in the National Collegiate Paintball Association National Championships in Lakeland, Fla. Having finished fourth at the national championships for the past two years, the team was eager...
The Road to a “W”

The Road to a “W”

I have just arrived home from a two week vacation. I like to think every time I leave the comfort of my bed it’s a vacation. Why is it a vacation you ask? Well anytime I leave: I am doing what I love. I am surrounded by paintball! I have found my passion in life...
Exclusive Interview: Billy Wing of DYE and the LA Ironmen

Exclusive Interview: Billy Wing of DYE and the LA Ironmen

The Los Angeles Ironmen – one of paintball’s most storied and mythic teams – came out of the starting blocks this season explosively; playing exceptional paintball at Galveston which has them poised for success. Part of their past success has come in part of the...