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Tim Duncan Plays Paintball!

Tim Duncan Plays Paintball!

Reports are coming in from various sporting websites that professional basketball player and San Antonio Spurs star, Tim Duncan is a bit of a paintball player! An article that will run in the newest edition of Sports Illustrated by Chris Ballard mentions this story:...
Paintball Drill for Chicago NPPL 2012

Paintball Drill for Chicago NPPL 2012

I play at Pev’s because it’s right down the street from my house. It’s prefect, Mike (Pev) and the staff there let me come out and use the field whenever I like. Also with the help of my amazing sponsors I always have paint and gear for drills and...
A New Model for a Paintball Community

A New Model for a Paintball Community

There is a growing systemic problem in the paintball community which I feel needs to be addressed: the education and retention of new players. At the present moment too many players lack the fundamental skills of playing; necessary knowledge base to be truly competent...
The Christian Lon Charity Paintball Event

The Christian Lon Charity Paintball Event

Destiny Paintball will be hosting The Christian Lon Charity Paintball Event May 5-6, 2012, at Extreme Rage Paintball Park of Fort Myers, Florida. This charity is being held In an effort to raise money for the MPS Society, a charity that is near and dear to Jackie...
American Exports

American Exports

Imagine a place where you can roam around aimlessly and without worry. A place where the food is unique, the language is different and the culture swirls around your head like a whirlwind tossing its surroundings into the air. Sometimes this place feels like another...