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Paintball Strategy for Dummies, Part 1

Paintball Strategy for Dummies, Part 1

Do you approach a paintball field as a chess game? Do you think you are a master tactician who spends hours upon hours playing Command and Conquer? Do you have any idea what Gain, Control and Anchor mean? Ever want to probe into the mind of a professional team’s...
Paintball Has Survived

Paintball Has Survived

It has been a tough few years for paintball. The current class of young pro players remembers how, five short years ago, Oliver Lang was signing a contract worth six figures, paintball was on both Spike TV and ESPN, PSP’s World Cup was still at Disney World, and the...
Midseason Moscow Red Legion

Midseason Moscow Red Legion

[pullquote_right]TEAM: Together Each other Achieves More.[/pullquote_right]Well, it’s the middle of the season. Some would say they are surprised, but we are not. We knew we would be contending for first place eventually, it was just a matter of how quickly we...
Why All the Hate?

Why All the Hate?

The number one ranked team in Division One of the PSP — the division below Professional — entering the upcoming Mid Atlantic Open is T1 Topgun Union out of Jackson, New Jersey. In the past seven PSP events they have five top-four finishes. The two events they missed...