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The Worst Rule in Paintball, 2012 PSP MAO Saturday

The Worst Rule in Paintball, 2012 PSP MAO Saturday

On the whole the PSP does a damn good job with their refereeing crew. Watching the Pro games on Saturday, there were a few questionable calls, but nothing egregious, and certainly a lot of close, tough calls the crew got right. What cannot be ignored however is the...
Pro Player Interviews at 2012 PSP Mid-Atlantic Open (MAO)

Pro Player Interviews at 2012 PSP Mid-Atlantic Open (MAO)

Justin was on location at the 2012 PSP Mid-Atlantic Open (MAO). He caught up with a few professional players. Alex Spence (Tampa Bay Damage), Kirk Wozny (Chicago Aftershock), Konstantin Fedorov (Houston Heat), Oliver Lang (San Diego Dynasty), and Marcello Margott...
Alex Spence: Back in Action

Alex Spence: Back in Action

Gearing up today, from the start, felt different. I haven’t been this nervous in a long time and was shaking on the inside, but I tried my hardest to appear calm on the outside. Most players know that when you are nervous before a match you always seem to have to pee...