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- Social Paintball
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Rali Ivanova – Social Paintball Paintmate

Rali Ivanova – Social Paintball Paintmate

This is Rali Ivanova. Say hello to her for us: https://www.facebook.com/officialRaliIvanova. Paintmates on FB: https://www.facebook.com/paintmates A Social Paintball Paintmate is a female model featured on Social Paintball. We bring the model to the field and get her...
Giveaway: MacDev Drone DX Paintball Marker

Giveaway: MacDev Drone DX Paintball Marker

Time for yet another Social Paintball giveaway. This time we’re giving away a MacDev Drone DX Paintball Marker courtesy of the folks at MacDev. We featured this marker in our MacDev Drone DX Review video. This Drone DX is slightly used, since we had to review...
PSP Webcast Verdict: Boring.

PSP Webcast Verdict: Boring.

A few weekends ago I spent almost forty five hours looking at a computer monitor watching the PSP/SMP webcast and for the first time ever, I got bored while watching. Now, I am not here to bash the webcast and lampoon the guys on their trials. Au contraire!, the...
Writers Block

Writers Block

We are almost done. You’ve always heard and read about the grind that paintball players go through from the divisional level up to the pros. It’s usually accompanied with some inspirational music and leaves you feeling good about getting up to drive to...