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- Social Paintball
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Training 101: The Perfect Intro Workout

Training 101: The Perfect Intro Workout

This straight-forward, short-term plan is designed to transition an athlete from a deconditioned state into a consistent training routine. For example, if you get on the field to play a few times every month but you’ve never trained with weights before, this...
Paintball? No, Pain-Ball

Paintball? No, Pain-Ball

It was late one evening when I got asked to write for Social Paintball. I was shocked by this offer but accepted it anyway. Well, for someone who has only been in the paintball world for a short time, I can certainly tell you that I have learned a lot. I don’t know...
Beyond the Glory of Paintball Media

Beyond the Glory of Paintball Media

We are on the field battling it out for the win and some of us are gun battling, reloading, or ready to make that big move to advance down the field. You may have noticed that random guy or girl on the field with a big white lens and camera; perhaps they are wearing...
Adventures of Golden Girl!

Adventures of Golden Girl!

Welcome to Golden Girls adventures! I would like to thank Social Paintball for the opportunity to blog and share my journeys. A complete thrill to be part of a widely diversified social network! As a writer in The Catshack Reports alongside Tomcat Cunningham we...
Viper’s Snake Pit

Viper’s Snake Pit

Welcome to the first installment of Viper’s Snake pit. I’m very excited to be asked to write for Social Paintball. I hope after you read my amateur attempts at paintball media you will come away informed and entertained. I am just going to have some fun and write...