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- Social Paintball
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Paintball Fight Going to Court

Paintball Fight Going to Court

Mark Barnfield heads to court Monday facing charges of development in a provincially significant wetland. The charges come after Barnfield refused a request by the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority to halt his plans to develop a paintball business on his Oxford...
Future Ninjas? Cub Scouts Training with Paintball Slingshots

Future Ninjas? Cub Scouts Training with Paintball Slingshots

Here is an awesome feel good story for your Sunday morning! Cub scouts training with paintball slingshots! Woot! Warms the heart. 🙂 “The event featured a number of “fun stations” dotted across the white expanse of the park, such as paintball shooting, fire...
Paintball Biathlon?

Paintball Biathlon?

BRACEBRIDGE, CANADA – Visitors at Santa’s Village in December had a chance to try their hand at paintball biathlon, an emerging sport that has already garnered interest in the Muskoka region. Back Country Paintball owner Tony Armstrong said the sport, which...
Cops Use Paintball to Learn Ambush Skills

Cops Use Paintball to Learn Ambush Skills

So what do police do when they need to learn ambush tactics but need less than lethal means? They head out to the paintball field at Paintball U.S.A. “Always make sure you know where your weapon is pointing,” said trainer Jerry Fritz, 66, of Santa Clarita,...