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Divisional Playbook – Houston Zone

Divisional Playbook – Houston Zone

It has been a slow week around the office, except for some momentary excitement about Jacob Edwards and Vancouver Vendetta, so the staff decided it was a perfect time to show some of the lower divisional teams some love. What better way to do this than revive our...
Jacob Edwards to Houston Heat

Jacob Edwards to Houston Heat

The past few days the rumor mill has been abuzz about where former Tampa Bay Damage youngster Jacob Edwards will land, and today Houston Heat announced that they would end his searching. Social Paintball sources confirmed that the quick action taken by Houston has...
Breaking News: Vancouver Vendetta Drops NPPL

Breaking News: Vancouver Vendetta Drops NPPL

Vancouver Vendetta, currently the number two team in the NPPL, has released a press statement via their Facebook page informing fans that the team is dropping out of NPPL competition. The team cites league instability, lack of organization and delays in the payment of...
5 PSP Mid-Atlantic Open Winners and Losers:

5 PSP Mid-Atlantic Open Winners and Losers:

Each paintball event in a PSP season is a mini-Epoch, Wagnerian in scale and Salinger in composition. Brutal, harsh, elating and maddening – these events have the ability to pull every emotion from a player creating a virtual tempest in a teapot. Perhaps it is this...
Texas Storm and Trenton Topgun Union Make Statements

Texas Storm and Trenton Topgun Union Make Statements

With the debut of the Challengers Division, the PSP Mid Atlantic Open was easily one of the most anticipated events since the dissolution of the NXL in late 2008. In this writer’s opinion, the most interesting question throughout the event was not necessarily...