The PSP has released the 2012 PSP Galveston Island Field Layout. Time to start practicing! The event takes place in less than a month. Last year the PSP released field layouts one week before the event, so this is an advantage. Take note of the use of the new snake bunkers.
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i dont like this snake side
I'd prefer it if the centre had something a little bigger..
cake on back right is going to kill some knees all weekend.
loving that snake side.
I like it how the sides are equal and formed.
Buag… Snake make me sick…
That new snake will be interesting.
cant wait
iv been playin this layout at my local feaild and the snake isnt as bad as everyone thinks it is
elbow bunkker is the same height of the snake beam ?
interesante lado de la snake
Nop es mas peque… mas bajo y mas delgado