Matt Blonski
We reached out to Matt, who resides in New York City, and he took some time from his busy branding/consulting industry position, to break the silence. He provided us with an official statement:
After a hard couple of years, going to school while traveling and playing paintball professionally, real life has caught up. I am taking a step back from paintball in 2012 with the hope to further my professional career. I have no regrets, as I have met people and gone to places and done things that without paintball, would not be possible at this time in my life. Have to thank RL for really giving me a chance to grow into a professional, and allowing me to play at the highest level and win tournaments with my family and friends.
The sport is changing every year, and hopefully someone will step up and guide it in the right direction… I am really grateful for all of the wonderful people I have met throughout the years, and hope paintball makes some kids happy the way it did for me. Good luck to all the teams out there, I’ll probably see you soon… ~ Matt Blonski
For Matt Blonski, it started out as a fun thing to do with friends and with his brother in the back yard. Once he found out there was tournament paintball, he got into that every weekend, because of his competitive personality. In fact, he was so competitive that he did not take a weekend off for about 5-6 years.
We wish Matt success in his professional career and hope to see him back on the field in 2013.
Awe man! 🙁 All my favorite players are leaving!
big news about the russians. wow, too many "spotlight" players are leaving the russians, this will be one interesting season for them.
didnt you already post this>
No, this is the first we hear directly from Matt Blonski.
Joe Blakemore i just thought of the same thing, this is not a copy and paste, but pretty much the same thing
I wonder what happen to his brother?
didn't they used to play together with RL.
matt and bart bolonski.