Do you have an interest in writing articles, blogging, social media, covering events and being part of one of the most dynamic paintball communities on the internet? If so, Social Paintball may have just the opportunity for you!
As we prepare for the 2014 season we are looking to expand our team to provide the paintball community with the best event coverage, analysis, team interviews, videos and online engagement.
Regional Correspondent
Are you interested in covering breaking national news, or reporting on your local D4 competitions? Are you witty, easy going and feel comfortable engaging one of the largest readerships in paintball?
As a National or Regional Correspondent it will be your job to create articles for the website as any news breaks and be able to give meaningful insight into what is happening. We are looking for people to cover national industry and team news, as well as regional news in the following zones: North East, South East, Mid West, Pacific North West, the South West, and Internationally. This includes any regional tournaments and big games that you are able to attend and report back on.
- Very strong language and writing skills
- Strong multitasking skills
- Strong knowledge of your local paintball scene
- Flexible hours
- Ability to attend regional events
- Attention to detail
- Able to meet deadlines
Tournament Analyst
Social Paintball is a pioneer in paintball analysis and is leading the industry in providing relevant, insightful and entertaining commentary of tournament paintball. We are looking to fill our ranks with a few more guru’s who can take this side of paintball to the next level.
As a Tournament Analyst you will be watching paintball (lots of it) and reporting on what you see. We are not looking for generic commentary, nor are we looking for editorials: we want people who can see what is happening on a field and produce a non-biased analysis of the teams. We also ask that you not be involved in national tournament paintball outside of your duties with Social Paintball.
- Possess a strong knowledge of paintball and paintball history
- Be available during events
- Possess very strong writing skills
- Have an interest in statistics is a plus
- Attention to detail
- Able to meet deadlines
News/General Contributor
One of the hardest things for any news source is to keep relevant information flowing at all times. We are looking for a few dedicated individuals who can scour the internet to find the most interesting paintball related topics to comment on them, as well as assemble news items for our daily columns.
We are looking for several dedicated individuals who possess a love of the people of the game. Interviews are the lifeblood of any sport as they give the audience a rare look into a special lifestyle that only a few can achieve. As well as interviews, we are looking for people who just love the game itself and are opinionated about everything under the sun!
- Strong language and writing skills
- Time commitment for weekly updates
- Ability to manage several projects at one time
- Good with deadlines
If you are interested in any of the positions listed above, please contact us with your name, position interested in, age, resume (if applicable), and any other relevant information you can provide to help us in our search for the right individuals. These positions are flexible, work-from-home, and not full-time. Potential candidates will be contacted and asked to provide a writing sample.
If I wasn’t committed to all NPPL/PSP Events with Tippmann Effect, I’d jump on this opportunity in a heartbeat.
I am definitely interested in any of the three positions available. Please e-mail me and we can set up a time to talk on the phone about it.
Thank you!
Jesse, we’ve received your submission. Thank you.
Hi, Israel,
How do you apply for some of these positions? I’m a recent USC graduate, and I certainly love working with people, paintball and writing. I have easily worked with tens of thousands of people in my lines of work. I also have 3D modeling and graphic design skills and can provide compelling graphics.
Let me know where to send some links of some of my writing and graphics work.
Paul, if you contact us using the link above with the info requested, we will take a look at your submission. Thanks!
I’m sorry if this is getting redundant but I’m not seeing the link you are referring to. Maybe I’m just blind but I would like to apply for these positions. Is there an email I can send my application to?
Israel, I hope my submission through the “Contact Us” link at the bottom of this page reaches your desk. I am extremely interested in covering the Southeast paintball scene and look forward to hearing from you if you feel my qualifications meet your needs for Social Paintball.
Please let me know if there is a better way in which to reach you about this opportunity.
Hello fellow Social PB admins, I am very interested in applying for the Regional Correspondent position, however I can not find the link necessary to email you. I’m from Pennsylvania and am always checking out local tournaments such as the MAPL, EPL, and a couple others. If you could please give me a response back with the proper e-mail to reply to, that would be excellent! Thanks a bunch!
I hope the submission I sent through the “Contact Us” link at the bottom of the page makes it to the people that need to see it, this is an exciting opportunity to be a part of.