Justin sits down with the CEO of Valken Sports, Gino Postorivo, at the Valken Headquarters in Swedesboro, NJ. They go over some history and future plans of Valken Sports.
Interview with Gino Postorivo, CEO of Valken Sports
by Sqyire | Aug 10, 2012 | Interviews, Paintball Videos | 9 comments

so why does your loader suck!
Why does the V-max suck?
Can I ask you why you think the V-max sucks?
ok "sucks" is abit strong. just not as good as other loaders. not as fast and not as stream line in terms of design. it did not fit well in my clamping feed neck (a cp product). it was a little big.
i apologize for saying it sucked I just write stuff just for the loyalty points. THE V-MAX IS NOT ALL THAT BAD… P.S THE PRICE ANT BAD EATHER.
All around Loader.
Priced well.
WOW, never saw anybody back peddle so fast in my life. LOL
I wouldn’t say that it sucks, that’s a little harsh, but for a loader built off of 10+year technology with a new coat of paint, it definitely isn’t worth the $79.95 price, IMO. It definitely wasn’t worth the +$100 price tag when it was first released. This loader is built off of the old Ricochet design, I think Ricochet saw there was easier and better money in licensing their designs then actually building one themselves, because that old tired design has seen many reincarnations over the years: Spyder Fasta, Tippmann SSL200, Pinokio, and I think there might be one or two others that I have forgetten about. The V-max introduced the “wheel sensor” instead of the “bend sensor”, which if I remember right it had all sorts of probs when first released. Personally at the $80 price point I’d go with the Halo Too and save a few bucks. Now if the V-max was priced below $50 then it would be a great hopper for the money, but not at $80. Buy a Tippmann SSL200 and get the same loader with a tried and true design (“bend sensor”) and save yourself $30.
@Matt…humm…should we begin to revoke the loyalty points?? HumUmUM?
Yah, definitely. 😉 Gino was a gracious host on short notice to grant an interview. Given that I got absorbed in our conversation and screwed up the focus a bit, and he still let me post it, well says alot about the guy. Thanks Gino. 🙂