In this episode of Newb School, Macaul shows us various slides and dives, then teaches us how to effectively execute them…with some fun on the side.
In this episode of Newb School, Macaul shows us various slides and dives, then teaches us how to effectively execute them…with some fun on the side.
Haha good advice i can’t even count how many guys i’ve seen try the souperman into the snake then go out case they landed wrong (if ya know what i mean)
haha funny man and nice job!
Very helpful video
It’s funny how many “pro’s” still can’t do this stuff right.
good video. very helpful
nice video
great video
so now you into paintball?
Nice job. I would have added more about core sampling– explaining why you keep your barrel and palms up. Nice transitioning using multiple cameras too!
He should do some shoting with those moves~
invert mini all the way! 😀
got to love a video that's funny and educational.
Good stuff, nice tips for rookies… THX man 😀