Raw paintball footage of DC Arsenal versus Tampa Bay Damage at the 2012 NPPL Huntington Beach Surf City Open held in Huntington Beach, CA. Justin Rabackoff gives us a quick breakdown of what occurred.
Video: DC Arsenal vs Tampa Bay Damage – 2012 NPPL Huntington Beach Surf City Open
by Israel L. | Apr 6, 2012 | Paintball Videos | 8 comments

love this video
There is one part at snake, that guy didn’t get caught!!! epic lucky~
great video
awesome vid!
Watching this Now is better than when I was watching on the live web. The shouting coming from the players is much more intense. you can see how much the players put into this , Very good coverage and camera angles.
the refs liked to stand right in front of the camera.. 'hi mom!!!'
Ha Ha that happens a lot
what are they? looking like balloons for me…..