There have been talks of new bunkers being released by Sup’AirBall for PSP this year. There are finally photos to show what those changes are. Some are against the changes, some are for the changes. What camp do you sit in? Do you think these changes are good or bad. See below for the photos.
[pullquote_right]The Snake will be technical again.[/pullquote_right]“For the past 10 years, the Snake on an Sup’AirBall field has been pretty much the same. The Giant Beams, much wider and taller than their Hyperball predecessors, have been keeping front players safe from cross field lanes. Large knuckles, such as Cakes, Baby Bricks even Temples, protecting them from getting shot by their mirrors.
This Era has ended. The Snake will be technical again.
The 2012 season brings the Snake back to life with the addition of 2 new bunkers:
A shorter and more narrow version of the Giant Beam, the “Snake Beam” and a L shaped bunker, the “Elbow”, will be the new components of the spectator side of the field. Though there is still plenty of space to hide behind, tighter play and better timing will be required.”
“On the PSP or the Millennium field, those 2012 bunkers not only bring a renewed interest on playing the Snake but also bring 2 extra bunkers to the set. The 6 Giant Beams from the previous seasons are replaced by 4 Snake Beams and 4 Elbows, which will increase the options for field layouts’ designs.
The combination of Snake Beams and Elbows also frees up bunkers normally used as knuckles. Those extra bunkers will allow for shorter moves elsewhere on the field and a wider range of play options.”
- 2012 Elbow Bunker
Source: PbNation
snake players are going to get bunkered all day long from inside smh.
C’mon, give it a chance. Beams are taller so cross field shots on the pack will be less.
They look ugly as fuck…
Wow, this is different. I would've never thought this would be the this year's change to the PSP. I was expecting another rule change. But his works. As being a snake player it will be a lot different to play these types of bunkers. Will the PSP increase the amount of bunkers allowed on the field to accommodate the new bunkers?
This is why I support the Nppl over the psp.
I can probably see the NPPL doing something like this next year. Every year they have deleted (Tall Pike or the U) and added a bunker (Cube and 50 Wedges) every year. Both leagues are looking to improve or change the game in some way. This year the NPPL changed to the S7 (Race to Format) and included XBall (Semi Auto) the PSP changed their snake bunkers. Last year PSP got rid of Dorito side coaching (which changed the way the game was played on that side). I love the NPPL and support the PSP as well. Anything each league comes up with is good to tryout at least one season.
Mind you, they deleted the “U” because it was for USPL when they were under the different name.
Yes a lot of new changes, it will be interesting to see how it plays out. Honestly I’m not looking forward to the new snake change, but whatever. As the game evolves so must the players.
Fuck sup air making paintball more gay every year…..
You can’t pop the top in the snake pap is trying to keep paintball alive subpar is killing it…. Please firer the dumb fuck who came up with this dumbass idea
Psp* not pap
worlds dumbest idea.
Somebody behind the bunker would sure help a lot and determine how it will be. It looks a lot taller than people think but we cant know because we don’t have a person in the picture. It will definitely be interesting but I don’t think this change was needed.
I like all these guys bitching and moaning about a little change. GET OVER IT.
The only problem with it I’ve got is the wedges are slightly taller then the beam sonnow you can’t use the knuckle to shoot will have to pop over top to which will get you shot from the tape or cent etc
what the fuck hahaha these are so gay. unless they put some small cans or something to split them there is going to be no play cuz every time you snap up to shoot your going to get a beam of balls lobbin your way. stupid shit
que te dije wee entan n sarra
The classic snake has shaped the way paintball is played and by changing it they change the entire game altogether
cant wait to TRY these going to be interesting.
jajaja I agree with that shane wenzel dude.
Well Galveston 12 hos one of those old school snakes now now using these
Whoever gets behind these are gonna be there for a while becasue they aint gonna be able to move lol
these look so stupid there is nowhere to even look up with out have a beam of paint fly over you this is going to make no one want to play snake